martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

Eventos pre-winterclash

Hoy mismo acabamos de recibir el correo, que el equipo organizador de la winterclash envía a los suscritos.

Se trata de los eventos Pre-Winterclash, una serie de competiciones, las cuales servirán para clasificar a los Amateur, además tambíen nos informan de que estan trabajando en el skatepark, que promete ser uno de los mejores hasta el momento.

De momento, seguiremos esperando a los siguientes correos para poder tener más información, os dejo con el correo enviado por Jojo:

Winterclash 2010 Pre-Events

Hello everybody,
It’s time for the first Winterclash 2010 Newsletter.

We know we are quite late and you guys want to know the details, but all we can say right now is that there are reasons for taking that long.
We are working out the details to present you a Winterclash location like never seen before, announced on a website which will be packed with information as always!
Please be patient a couple of more days – we promise it will definitely be worth it!

In the meanwhile we connected with some of the most important events in Europe and created “Official Winterclash Pre-Events”. At these events you will get the chance to win Winterclash Wildcards which make you skip the Winterclash Amateur Qualification and put your name straight into the semi finals. Plus you will get a free weekend pass as well as free registration.
The first three events we picked out are happening in Sweden, the Netherlands and in Germany. If you’re around these areas make sure to not miss them and get into the Winterclash mood. We are proud to be able to work together with them and hope to see you there.

Get more information about these events: 
Dutch Open (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Rolltogether Session (Mühlhausen, Germany)
Open Swedish Championships (Eskilstuna, Sweden)

More pre-events to be announced soon!

That’s about it for the first Newsletter.
Make sure to tell you friends to sign in for the Newsletter and don’t miss the pre-events!

See you soon!
The Winterclash Team. 

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